Your Ultimate You Therapies, with Jessica Barratt

Theraplay, Drawing & talking and lego think bricks informed therapies.

I am offering Theraplay informed approach therapy, which builds on the attachment between child and care giver, enabling the child to learn to trust and process past traumas. This will help the child to build up their self esteem, sense of identity and overall well being.

Link to my official profile on the Theraplay Institute website: 


I offer Drawling and Talking and Lego 'Think Brick' informed Therapies. These approaches enables the child or adult to process their traumas in a safe and secure environment, and build on their ability to trust through attachment.


If any of these informed therapeutic approaches interests you, and can help you with your family, please do reach out in the form below.

I am insured and have an up to date DBS. For any Testimonials please request in the form below.


Your Ultimate You - Children & Familes

Working with children and families is my passion. I am able to help therapeutically support build on attachments through the Principles of Theraplay

What is Theraplay:

Theraplay is a dyadic child and family therapy that has been recognised by the Association of Play Therapy as one of seven seminal psychotherapies for children. Developed over 50 years ago, and practiced around the world, Theraplay was developed for any professional working to support healthy child/caregiver attachment. Strong attachment between the child and the important adults in their life has long been believed to be the basis of lifelong good mental health as well as the mainstay of resilience in the face of adversity. Modern brain research and the field of neuroscience have shown that attachment is the way in which children come to understand, trust and thrive in their world.

Your Ultimate You - Schools / Organisations

Drawing & Talking and Lego Therapy are therapeutic intervention's which supports the emotional wellbeing of adults and children.

Many schools and organisations have now opted to offer pay for Drawing and Talking and or, Lego therapy to their staff, students and their families. As it is extremely cost effective and the savings over time have proven to be overwhelming in favour for companies, saving thousands of pounds per year.


What this involves:

Drawing & Talking and Lego therpay are short-term interventions not used to replace specialist therapists. The technique can be delivered during school/office hours, at a staff member's home, or a convenient location. It runs for 12 sessions, once a week for 30 minutes.

Learn more:

In the meantime please feel free to visit  for more information regarding the technique.


Please visit this link to watch a Review of Drawing and Talking:

Your Ultimate You - Adults

I am mentoring and offering a range of expertise and skills to support individual's grow.

Are you looking to work on yourself within personal self development?

This include re-connecting with their self worth, understanding the importance of looking after YOU, and creating inner happiness.

Are you a mother and feeling lost, stuck or confused within your own identity? I can support you through your journey, reconnect with you identity and guide you through the ever evolving and transitional process of motherhood.

Or are you simply wanting some guidance with parenting, I have the skills and expertise to offer to tips and techniques to support your little ones, children and teenagers. With a support and therapeutic parenting approach.

Please leave us your details and requested servcies , and we'll get back to you as soon as possible.